Electrical Engineering - full-time, starting in winter sem., Electrical Engineering from 2019/2020


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 330
02 03 5867 00 Computer Science 3 10 30 C
02 21 5871 00 Electrical Circuits 4 15 15 C
02 94 6105 00 Engineering Law and Intellectual Property Protection 1 10 C
02 11 5798 00 Essentionals of Technical Drawing 4 15 30 C
02 08 5813 00 Human Resource Management 1 10 C
21 01 1159 00 Mathematics I 8 45 75 E
01 35 0344 00 Mechanics and Strength of Materials 3 15 15 C
21 02 1127 00 Physics 6 15 15 15 C

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 385
02 21 5872 00 Electric Circuits 3 15 15 E
02 27 6247 00 Electrical Equipment 4 30 E
02 13 6264 00 Electrical and Electronic Metrology 1 3 15 15 C
02 94 6087 00 Ergonomics and Safety 1 10 C
22 91 0500 10 Foreign Language block 1 2 30 C
02 03 5868 00 Information Technologies I 3 15 30 C
02 05 6274 00 Introduction to Electronics 3 15 15 C
21 01 1160 00 Mathematics II 7 40 50 E
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education 0 30 C
02 12 5877 00 Physics and Materials Engineering 4 30 30 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 445
02 21 5873 00 Circuit Theory 4 30 15 15 C
02 23 5781 00 Electric Machines 5 30 30 E
02 27 6248 00 Electrical Equipment 4 30 C
02 13 6265 00 Electrical and Electronic Metrology 2 5 30 45 E
02 22 5973 00 Electromagnetic Field Theory 4 30 30 C
22 91 0500 20 Foreign Language block 2 3 60 C
02 03 5869 00 Information Technologies II 3 15 30 C
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education 0 30 C
02 51 6060 00 Programming languages 2 25 C

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 346
02 66 5791 00 Control Systems 1 4 30 15 C
02 23 5782 00 Electric Machines 5 15 30 C
02 25 5796 00 Electrical Power Engineering 6 45 30 E
22 91 0500 40 Foreign Language Certification 0 1 E
22 91 0500 30 Foreign Language block 3 3 60 E
02 14 5509 00 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer and Heat Generation 1 15 C
02 26 5789 00 High Voltage Engineering 3 30 E
02 24 6265 00 Industrial Electronics 2 15 15 C
02 12 5878 00 Materials Engineering Laboratory I 2 15 C
02 04 6097 00 Numerical Methods 4 15 15 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 460
02 96 6167 00 Basic Principles in Projects Management 1 15 C
02 96 6161 00 Competence Project 3 30 C
02 66 5792 00 Control Systems 2 1 15 C
02 59 6259 00 Database systems design 2 15 15 C
02 40 6168 00 Digital Measurement Technique 3 30 E
02 36 6233 00 Discrete-time signals 3 15 15 E
02 25 5797 00 Electrical Power Engineering 2 15 15 C
02 27 6249 00 Electromagnetic Compatibility 2 15 15 C
02 14 5510 00 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer and Heat Generation 2 30 C
02 26 5790 00 High Voltage Engineering 2 30 C
02 04 6098 00 Innovations Monitoring and Results Commercialization 1 10 C
02 43 6209 00 Microprocessor Technique 2 15 30 C
23 92 3111 50 Physical Education 0 30 C
02 24 6266 00 Power Electronics 2 15 15 E
02 72 5557 00 Regulation Systems 2 15 15 C
02 09 5901 00 Statistics for Engineers 2 15 30 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 26.0   Total of teaching hours 315
02 84 4021 00 Basic Principles in Life Cycle Assessment 1 15 C
02 40 6170 00 Digital Measurement Technique 1 30 C
02 36 6234 00 Digital Signal Processing 3 30 30 E
02 28 5738 00 Electric Drive 3 15 30 E
02 29 5540 00 Fundamentals of Mechatronics 1 15 15 C
02 28 5740 00 Industrial Control Systems in Electrical Drives 3 30 15 E
02 72 5559 00 Industrial Controllers 2 15 15 E
02 99 5009 00 Industrial Placement 4 C
02 70 6184 00 Programmable Logic Controllers 3 15 30 C
02 86 6099 00 Proseminar 1 15 C
set 2 of elective courses none 8

set 2 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
02 13 6282 00 Industrial Measurements 2 15 15 C
02 13 6283 00 Measuring Interfaces 2 15 15 C
02 36 6235 00 Intelligent Measuring Transducers 2 15 15 C
02 43 6213 00 Programming and application of microprocessors 4 30 30 C
02 61 6135 00 Embedded Systems 2 15 15 C
02 66 5806 00 Industrial Processes Control 4 30 30 C

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 62
02 96 6193 00 Competency Exam 0 E
02 98 6122 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C
02 86 6105 00 Final Project Seminar 1 15 C
02 91 6002 00 Foreign Technical Language 2 30 C
set 2 of elective courses none 6
set 2 of elective courses none 6

set 2 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
02 04 6099 00 Modeling of Intelligent Microsystems 2 30 C
02 04 6100 00 Mathematical Optimization Methods 1 15 C
02 08 5814 00 Management Methodology Operators 2 15 15 C
02 11 5799 00 3D technical documentation 2 30 C
02 11 5800 00 Computer Aided Design 2 15 15 C
02 13 6266 00 Internet Systems Control of Technological Processes 2 15 15 C
02 13 6267 00 Temperature Measurements 2 15 15 C
02 13 6268 00 Designing of Measuring Apparatus 3 15 30 C
02 13 6269 00 Microcontrollers and Signal Processors in Measuring Applications 4 30 30 C
02 13 6270 00 Legal Problems of the Metrology. 1 15 C
02 13 6271 00 Computer measurement systems 4 30 30 C
02 13 6272 00 Virtual Instruments 1 15 C
02 13 6273 00 The Designing of the Experiment 3 30 15 C
02 25 5798 00 Distributed Generation 2 15 15 C
02 25 5799 00 Costing of Electrical Works 1 15 C
02 25 5800 00 Computer Trade of the Energy 3 15 15 15 C
02 25 5801 00 Power System Modelling 3 30 15 C
02 26 5791 00 high-voltage technologies 2 15 15 C
02 27 6250 00 Energy Storage Equipment 3 30 15 C
02 27 6251 00 Cryotechnique in Electrical Energy Storage Systems 2 15 15 C
02 27 6252 00 Energy Storage Units in Means and Transport Systems 3 30 C
02 27 6252 01 Energy Storage Units in Means and Transport Systems 3 30 15 C
02 27 6253 00 Six-Fluoride Technology in Electric Engineering 3 30 15 C
02 27 6254 00 Vacuum Technologies in Electric Engineering 3 15 30 C
02 27 6255 00 Hydrogen Technologies in Electric Engineering 2 15 15 C
02 32 6209 00 Low voltage installations in buildings 2 15 15 C
02 34 5799 00 Lighting Installations 3 30 15 C
02 34 5800 00 Space Heating 1 15 C
02 34 5801 00 Simulation of Heating Problems 3 15 30 C
02 34 5802 00 Electromagnetic Heating Processes 2 15 15 C
02 35 5789 00 Renewable Energy Sources 2 15 15 C
02 43 6211 00 Interfaces in Microprocessor Systems 3 15 30 C
02 56 6198 00 Data Security 3 30 15 C
02 56 6199 00 Communication Interfaces 3 30 15 C
02 56 6200 00 Computer Networks 2 15 15 C
02 56 6201 00 Programming of WEB Network 3 15 30 C
02 56 6202 00 Data Protection 3 15 30 C
02 57 6187 00 DTP fundamentals 1 15 C
02 58 6123 00 Fundamentals of Bioinformatics 2 15 15 C
02 59 6257 00 Data Warehouses 2 15 15 C
02 60 6186 00 Computerization of Business Processes 2 15 15 C
02 63 6323 00 Computer-Aided Design PCB 3 15 30 C
02 65 5814 00 Visualization in Industrial Systems 2 15 15 C
02 70 6180 00 Fuzzy Control 2 15 15 C
02 70 6181 00 PLC Network Communication 3 15 30 C
02 70 6182 00 Digital signal processors 2 15 15 C
02 81 5620 00 Electrical Safety 2 15 15 C
02 83 6241 00 Energy and Environment 2 15 15 C
02 93 5856 00 Job Finding Methods 2 15 15 C
02 93 5857 00 Problems of Contemporary Science 1 15 C

set 2 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
02 13 6248 00 Advanced Electronics Metrology 2 15 15 C
02 36 6236 00 A/D and D/A Converting Algorithms 2 15 15 C
02 60 6187 00 Measurement Systems Software 2 15 15 C
02 66 5807 00 Modeling of Dynamic Systems 2 15 15 C
02 69 6254 00 Quality Systems 2 15 15 C
02 69 6255 00 Software Tools in Automatic Control 4 30 30 C
02 72 5560 00 Electronic Components of Automatic Control 2 15 15 C