Materials Engineering - full-time, starting in winter sem., Materials Engineering 2023/24


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 420
01 49 0272 00 Chemistry 4 30 30 C
01 49 0270 00 Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing 5 30 30 C
01 49 0271 00 Fundamentals of Materials Science I 3 30 15 C
01 49 0202 01 Information Technologies I 3 30 15 C
21 01 1196 00 Mathematics I 8 30 75 E
01 49 0204 00 Metrology 3 15 15 15 C
01 49 0269 00 Physics of Engineering Materials I 3 30 15 C
01 49 0203 01 Work Safety and Ergonomics 1 15 C

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 420
01 49 0212 00 CAD 2D 2 30 C
22 91 0600 10 Foreign Language Module 1 2 30 C
01 49 0274 00 Fundamentals of Materials Science II 5 21 15 24 E
01 49 0209 01 Information Technologies II 3 30 15 C
21 01 1197 00 Mathematics II 6 30 30 15 C
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education 0 30 C
01 49 0273 00 Physics of Engineering Materials II 3 15 30 C
04 51 0051 04 Standardization and Certification 2 15 15 C
01 49 0211 00 Technical Mechanics 7 30 30 15 E

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 435
01 49 0217 01 CAD 3D 2 45 C
01 49 0278 00 Crystallography 2 15 15 C
22 91 0600 20 Foreign Language Module 2 2 30 C
01 49 0213 00 Fundamentals of Machine Design 3 15 30 C
01 49 0277 00 Metalic Materials 6 45 30 E
01 49 0275 00 Methods and Techniques of Materials Testing I 4 30 30 C
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education 0 30 C
01 49 0276 00 Polymer Materials 5 30 30 C
01 49 0214 00 Strength of Materials 6 15 30 15 E

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 435
01 49 0279 00 Ceramic and Sintered Materials 4 30 20 C
04 51 0052 04 Composite Materials 6 30 40 E
22 91 0600 30 Foreign Language Module 3 2 30 C
01 49 0228 00 Foundry and Machining Engineering 4 30 30 C
01 49 0282 00 Methods and Techniques of Materials Testing II 6 30 45 E
01 49 0283 00 Numerical Methods in Materials Science and Engineering 4 15 30 15 C
23 92 3111 40 Physical Education 0 30 C
01 49 0280 00 Project Work Methodology 2 15 15 C
01 49 0281 00 Thermodynamics 2 15 15 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 390
04 51 0055 04 Additives for Composites  4 25 20 C
04 51 0054 04 Composite Preforms 4 15 50 E
02 05 6316 00 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2 10 10 15 C
22 91 0600 40 Foreign Language Module 4E 3 30 E
04 51 0058 04 Machines and Devices in Composites Processing 6 30 40 E
04 51 0057 04 Material Design of Composite Products  4 15 15 15 C
04 51 0056 04 Mechanics of Composites  2 15 20 C
04 51 0059 04 Methods of Research Presentation 2 5 10 C
04 51 0053 04 Physical Chemistry of Polymers 3 15 35 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 230
04 51 0063 04 Composite Technologies 3 15 35 E
04 51 0061 04 Group Project 6 35 10 C
04 51 0064 04 Hydrogel-textile Composites 2 10 30 C
04 51 0062 04 Polymer Composites Physics  2 10 20 C
01 49 0239 00 Technology Transfer and Protection of Intellectual Property 3 30 15 C
04 51 0060 04 none 2 10 10 C
set 1 of elective courses none 3
set 1 of elective courses none 3
set 1 of elective courses none 3
set 1 of elective courses none 3

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
04 51 0074 04 Techniques of Physical and Chemical Modifications in Composite Technologies 3 30 15 C
04 51 0075 04 none 3 15 30 C
04 51 0076 04 Composites Formed by Incremental Techniques, Including Bioprinting  3 20 15 10 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
04 51 0065 04 Functional polimer composites 3 30 15 C
04 51 0066 04 Biopolymer composite materials 3 30 15 C
04 51 0067 04 Recycling technologies of applied raw materials  3 15 30 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
04 51 0068 04 none 3 30 15 C
04 51 0069 04 none 3 30 15 C
04 51 0070 04 none 3 30 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
04 51 0071 04 Modeling of Composite Properties    3 30 15 C
04 51 0072 04 Structural Polymer Composites 3 30 15 C
04 51 0073 04 none 3 30 15 C

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 24.0   Total of teaching hours 132
01 49 0242 01 Diploma Seminar 3 60 E
01 49 0244 00 DiplomaThesis 15 10 E
01 49 0240 00 Management and Operation of Enterprises 2 15 15 C
04 51 0077 04 Material and technological expertise in polymer com-posite engineering 2 10 15 5 C
01 49 0243 00 Practice - 6 weeks 6 C
set 1 of elective courses none 2

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
01 51 0096 00 Heat and Thermo-chemical Treatment Over the Centuries 2 30 C
01 51 0097 00 Optical Film and Coatings 2 30 C
01 51 0098 00 Tribology in Nanoscale 2 30 C
04 51 0078 04 Polymer Biomaterials 2 30 C
04 51 0079 04 none 2 30 C
04 51 0080 04 Cicular Economy in Composites Materials 2 30 C