Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics

The Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics was founded on 1 October 1976. It consists of the following units:
-	the Institute of Information Technology (established in 1980) 
-	the Institute of Mathematics (established in 1970) 
-	the Institute of Physics (established in 1970) 

The Faculty offers degree programmes taught in Polish: 

-	Computer Science
-	Mathematics 
-	Technical Physics 

and in English: 

-	Science and Technology - run in cooperation with International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) 
-	Information Technology - run in cooperation with IFE
-	Computer Science and Information Technology - run in cooperation with IFE

The programmes of Computer Science, Mathematics and Technical Physics are accredited by the State Accreditation Committee (currently the Polish Accreditation Committe). Top quality teaching staff and broad international cooperation guarantee high level of education and attractive conditions of study.

The graduates of our Faculty are able to demonstrate knowledge about fundamental physical, technical and economic phenomena, as well as those from the field of computer science, applied mathematics and logistics. 
The students learn self-reliant logical thinking and creative problem solving within their major field of specialisation. All our courses are professionally oriented so the students can be sure that what they learn is up to date with employers' needs. Our degrees are designed to help students to develop skills needed in industry, including design, problem solving, engineering ethics and analysis skills, together with transferable skills, such as communication and teamwork skills. For example, a successful Computer Science graduate will be able to not only design and develop computer systems and software applications, and use skillfully the software tools available, but they will also be able to demonstrate innovation and creative problem solving skills.
The poll conducted by TUL Occupational Counseling Service showed that 96 % of our graduates would have chosen the same Faculty, if they were to decide once again. It was the best result among all faculties of TUL. We were also ranked first in the poll that examined students' opinions about the organisation of classes, teachers' attitude to students, the quality of teaching and need-based financial aid.
The students of our Faculty are ranked among top students at TUL, and each year a few of them are awarded the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. They achieve best results in international competitions. They also carry out projects and diploma theses in cooperation with external companies and participate in research work conducted by the Faculty's units.

The education system is based on the two-cycle model:
-	the first cycle, leading to a BSc (Mathematics) or BEng degree (Computer Science, Technical Physics)
-	the second cycle, leading to a MSc (Mathematics) or MEng degree (Computer Science, Technical Physics)

All the programmes offered by the Faculty meet the requirements set by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and follow the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) scheme. 
The number of full-time students at our Faculty amounts to 1600. There are also about 400 part-time students. About 40 students are enrolled in PhD programmes.
The Faculty prides itself on top quality teaching staff.  It employs 120 academics (including 13 titular professors and 20 senior doctor lecturers). 
The Faculty is entitled to confer a doctoral degree in three disciplines: physics, computer science and mathematics. 


first cycle

Actuariat and Financial Analysis - full-time, starting in winter sem., Actuariat and Financial Analysis 2022

Actuariat and Financial Analysis - full-time, starting in winter sem., Actuariat and Financial Analysis 2024

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Computer Science 2019

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Computer Science 2020

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Computer Science 2020 - Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Applied Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Computer Science 2019

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2017

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2019

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2020

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2021

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2021 - Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2023

Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science

Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science from 2015

Computer Science - full-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science from 2017

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science 2015

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science from 2017

Modelling and Data Science - full-time, starting in winter sem.

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics 2019

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem.

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics - Program for the 2023/24 Academic Year

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics - Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics 2017

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics 2020

second cycle

Applied Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Computer Science 2019

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Applied Computer Science 2019

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Applied Computer Science 2020

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Applied Computer Science 2020 - Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Applied Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Applied Computer Science 2022

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2017

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2019

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2020

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2021

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2021- Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Applied Mathematics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Applied Mathematics 2023

Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Computer Science

Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Computer Science 2015

Computer Science - full-time, starting in summer sem., Computer Science 2017

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science 2015

Computer Science - part-time, starting in winter sem., Computer Science 2017

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in summer sem., Technical Physics - Implementation from the academic year 2022/23

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in summer sem., Technical Physics 2015

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in summer sem., Technical Physics 2021

Technical Physics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Technical Physics 2019