Environmental engineering in civil construction - full-time, starting in summer sem., Environmental engineering in civil construction - implementation since academic years 2021/2022


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 495
06 53 2101 00 Alternative Energy Sources 5 25 13 13 E
06 53 2100 00 Application of BIM in Design 4 13 50 C
06 53 2106 00 Biotechnology and Environmental Chemistry 2 25 13 C
06 53 2109 00 Commercialization of Innovative Solutions 1 13 C
06 53 2104 00 Control and Regulation in Installations 2 13 13 C
06 53 2107 00 Fire Protection Installations 2 13 13 C
22 91 0630 10 Foreign Language - Scientific Skills 2 45 C
06 53 2103 00 Methods in Water Supply and Sewage Systems 4 25 13 13 C
06 53 2105 00 Reliability and Safety of Engineering Systems 1 13 C
06 53 2108 00 Urban Planning 1 13 C
06 53 2102 00 Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology Special Processes 6 25 13 25 25 E

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 435
06 53 2112 00 Auditing of Buildings Installations 3 25 25 C
06 53 2114 00 Energy Optimization of Industrial Installations 2 13 13 C
06 53 2118 00 Environmental Management 2 13 13 C
06 53 2113 00 Modern Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems 4 25 13 E
06 53 2110 00 Monitoring of Air, Water and Wastewater Quality 4 25 25 13 C
06 53 2115 00 Sustainable Stormwater Management 2 13 13 C
06 53 2116 00 Technology and Organization of Installation Works 2 13 13 C
06 53 2117 00 Waste Disposal 4 13 25 E
06 53 2111 00 Water and Wastewater Systems Modelling and Optimization 4 25 50 C
set 1 of elective courses none 2
set 1 of elective courses none 1

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
06 53 2121 00 Business Management 2 20 C
06 53 2122 00 Entrepreneurship and Management in Civil Engineering 2 20 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
06 53 2119 00 The Investment Process. Social and Cultural Aspects 1 13 C
06 53 2120 00 Art History for Engineers 1 13 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 27.0   Total of teaching hours 242
06 53 2124 00 Advances in Wastewater Treatment Processes 2 10 11 C
06 53 2125 00 Diploma Seminar 3 15 C
06 53 2126 00 Diploma Thesis 20 C
06 53 2123 00 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning 2 10 11 C
06 53 2127 00 Structural Praxis 3 160 C