Food Technology and Human Nutrition - full-time, starting in winter sem., (implementation since a/y 2009/10)
Qualification awarded
Back to topGraduates of this course received interdisciplinary education combining the knowledge and skills in the areas of chemical, technical and biological sciences, food technology and quality control and also ecology and environmental protection. They are also familiar with economics and production management, preservation and storage technology, marketing and distribution of foodstuff of plant and animal origin. Graduates are well trained in application of versatile computer techniques. They can carry out research projects, design and implement new technologies in different branches of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, be involved in the organization of small food processing enterprises or trade-production companies. The course has enabled graduates to acquire the skills in complex analysis and quality evaluation of raw materials, semi finished products and final foodstuffs, as well as in designing and implementing of quality assurance systems.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Back to topThe basis of approving candidates to the first term of studies is the ranking of secondary school graduation certificates, whereby evaluated are the marks obtained in the following subjects: maths, foreign language as well as chemistry or biology or physics. Detailed criteria of admission are determined by the Rector and the Senate a year before the recruitment. The admission to study terms following after the first term is conditional upon the obtaining the minimal number of ECTS points determined by the Dean of the Faculty.
Educational and professional goals
Back to topThe objective of the study program at the Food Technology and Human Nourishment specialisation (Bachelor of Science degree) of the Biotechnology and Food Science Faculty of the Lodz Technical University is practical and theoretical preparation of a graduate to work in various branches of food industry at the engineering position. The graduate of the above mentioned specialisation is also prepared to work in companies and institutions dealing in food handling, its control and human nourishment. The graduate is an interdisciplinary educated person whose skills combine the knowledge of basic subjects (maths, physics, chemistry) with the knowledge of technical, nutrition and economic sciences. The graduate is a specialist in the field of production, preservation, storing as well as the analysis and quality evaluation of raw materials needed for preparation of food as well as food products as such. The obtained knowledge is also to serve the purpose of designing new technologies. Those technologies are to be environment-friendly thanks to the knowledge in the field of environment protection gathered during the studies. The knowledge in the fields of food analysis, biochemistry, microbiology and information technology makes it possible to perform analytical tasks. The graduate also possesses knowledge about the principles of human nourishment. The graduate of the specialisation of Food Technology and Human Nutrition is also prepared to implement quality assurance systems, work safety systems as well as to co-manage manufacturing facilities, including economic calculation. In doing so, the graduate may use the language skills (at B2 level) as well as information technology qualifications obtained over the study period. Due to broad knowledge in the field of chemistry subjects the graduate is a valuable candidate for work also in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The graduates may also further develop their professional skills and without any difficulty begin Master Degree studies, their also may launch their own manufacturing or sales business activity. Thanks to flexible professional background the graduates may also easily adapt to job requirements in other branches of economy.
Access to further studies
Back to topThe graduates of Bachelor of Science Degree studies of the specialisation of Food Technology and Human Nutrition may also continue education at Master of Science studies at our Faculty or at other faculties or universities as well as similar university specialisations. Basic knowledge obtained at the first year of studies also allows the graduate to continue education at postgraduate studies.
Final examination
Back to topThe final examination consists of two parts: the first- presentation of diploma thesis, the second- answering questions devoted to the presented diploma thesis and to the whole study. The final result visible in diploma, is expressed in words according to the Rules of Study at the Technical University of Lodz and is the sum of three components: 60% of the weighted average of all the grades achieved during the study, 20% of the grade for the diploma thesis, 20% of the grade for the final exam.
Examination and assessment regulations
Back to topOver the whole study period the student is obliged to pass 18 exams - their list is to be found in the item II.A.5 - the Structure of the Study Program (subjects marked with a letter "e"). The form of the examination is determined by the examiner (the subject leader). The mark obtained from a subject is given according to the SID system principles, adopted by the Lodz Technical University. It takes into consideration partial marks obtained from the classes, labs, the project as well as the final examination mark, in the proportions determined by the subject leader. The mark obtained from the final exam always possesses the largest weight (minimum 60). The final mark may be positive only if the each partial mark is positive.
ECTS departmental coordinator
Back to topDr hab. inż. Robert Klewicki
42 631-34-65
Koordynatorem kierunku technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka na Wydziale Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności jest dr hab. inż. Robert Klewicki z Instytutu Chemicznej Technologii Politechniki Łódzkiej, e-mail - The coordinator the area of study of Food Technology and Human Nutrition at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences is Robert Klewicki, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemical Technology of the Lodz University of Technology, e-mail -