Biotechnology - full-time, starting in winter sem., Biotechnology - implementation since academic year 2012/13


Qualification awarded

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The biotechnology graduates have acquired theoretical knowledge necessary for understanding of nature phenomena and are able to apply this knowledge according to the area of study.
They are familiar with theory and practice of biotechnological processes optimization and management and are able to collaborate with professionals of branches related to broad biotechnology.
The interdisciplinary knowledge gained from Biotechnology course enables graduate to work in research laboratories and to apply acquired skills for creative activity in e.g. selection and site directed genetic modifications of microorganisms, optimization of cultivation, biosynthesis or bioconversion and isolation and purification of bioproducts.
The graduates are also prepared to implementation of quality systems safety precautions for work with genetically modified microorganisms applied in biotechnological processes.
They have appropriate knowledge and skills in production management and marketing. Their skills in foreign languages and practical operation with computer may be used in all professional activities.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

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An admission to the first year of study is on the basis of high school diploma competition and marks in mathematics, foreign language and chemistry or biology are considered. The details of admission criteria are established by Rector and Senate in one year advance. 
An admission to further semesters is determined by collection of minimum number of ECTS points specified by Dean.

Educational and professional goals

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The goal of biotechnology study is practical and theoretical preparation of graduate to designing and performance of biotechnological processes.
The biotechnology graduates are able to work in the meeting of technology and current methods of experimental biology and can collaborate with specialists in related areas. As all TUL graduates, their foreign language skill is minimum at B 2 level.
The first cycle graduate of TUL is prepared to work in biotechnological industry and related ones (mainly food industry); to application of technological equipment and performance of biotechnological processes, and to work in research laboratories on biological material with the use of modern equipment. He/she has also computer skills and is familiar with economical principles.
The graduate is able to develop professional skills and to continue the second cycle study, can also carry on the production/commercial activity. Because of flexible education the graduate may easily accommodate to work requirements in other fields.


Access to further studies

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The first cycle study programme of biotechnology at TUL opens way to the second cycle biotechnology study at all types of universities and related courses. The graduate can easily study e.g. organization and management as the second cycle.
The basic knowledge gained from the first cycle gives perspectives for further PhD study.

Final examination

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The final examination consists of two parts: the first- presentation of diploma thesis, the second- answering questions devoted to the presented diploma thesis and to the whole study. The final result visible in diploma,  is expressed in words according to the Rules of Study at the Technical University of Lodz and is the sum of three components: 60% of the weighted average of all the grades achieved during the study, 20% of the grade for the diploma thesis, 20% of the grade for the final exam. 

Examination and assessment regulations

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The exams in particular semesters are listed in tables of paragraph II.A.5 (subjects labeled with letter "e").
The exam form is decided by examiner (subject leader). The evaluation mark is based on rules accepted at TUL in accordance with SID system. The final mark is consisted of partial marks evaluating tutorials, lab exercises, project, seminars and exam in fractions established by subject leader. The exam mark is of major value (minimum 60). Each partial mark must be positive to generate positive final mark.

ECTS departmental coordinator

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Prof. dr hab. inż Stanisław Bielecki


42 631-34-42


Koordynatorem kierunku biotechnologia na Wydziale Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności jest prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Bielecki z Instytutu Biochemii Technicznej Politechniki Łódzkiej, e-mail: Zastępcą koordynatora jest doc. dr inż. Andrzej Jakubowski, e-mail -, tel. 42 631-34-39 The coordinator the area of study of Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences is Stanisław Bielecki, Professor at the Institute of Technical Biochemisty at the Lodz University of Technology, e-mail - The deputy coordinator is Dr. Andrzej Jakubowski , e-mail:, tel. 42 631 34 39