Chemical Analytics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Chemical Analytics


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 330
03 32 0136 00 Art of Study 1 15 C
03 25 0106 00 Ergonomics and Work Safety 1 15 C
03 01 0125 00 General and Inorganic Chemistry I 7 30 45 E
03 14 0173 00 Information Technologies I 3 30 15 C
21 01 1213 00 Mathematics I 8 45 45 E
03 04 0223 00 Methods of Sampling and Preparation of Samples for Analysis 3 15 15 C
03 15 0033 00 Science of Mechanics and Technical Drawing 3 15 15 C
03 25 0107 00 Work Technique in a Chemical Laboratory 2 30 C
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from19/20 - sem.1 choose 2

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from19/20 - sem.1 choose

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 12 0215 00 Environmental Ethics 2 15 C
03 32 0137 00 Art and Chemistry 2 15 C

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 365
22 91 0500 10 Foreign Language block 1 2 30 C
03 01 0126 00 General and Inorganic Chemistry II 5 30 30 E
03 14 0174 00 Information Technologies II 3 30 15 C
03 10 0114 00 Introduction To Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data 2 15 15 C
21 01 1214 00 Mathematics II 6 45 45 E
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education 0 30 C
03 13 0054 00 Physics I 4 20 30 E
03 13 0055 00 Physics II 3 30 C
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.2 choose A 3
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.2 choose B 2

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.2 choose A

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 01 0127 00 General and Inorganic Chemistry - laboratory 3 45 C
03 01 0128 00 General and Inorganic Chemistry - laboratory 3 45 C

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.2 choose B

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 25 0108 00 Quality Management Systems 2 15 C
03 25 0109 00 Quality Management 2 15 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 380
03 04 0225 00 Analytical Calculations 4 30 C
03 04 0224 00 Analytical Chemistry 4 30 15 E
03 31 0057 00 Electrotechnics and Introduction to Electronics 3 10 30 C
22 91 0500 20 Foreign Language block 2 3 60 C
03 12 0216 00 Green Chemistry 2 10 10 10 C
03 02 0201 00 Organic Chemistry 6 55 30 E
03 03 0128 00 Physical Chemistry I 5 30 30 E
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education 0 30 C
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.3 choose 3

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.3 choose

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 04 0226 00 Analytical Chemistry laboratory 3 60 C
03 04 0227 00 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 3 60 C

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 391
03 04 0229 00 Analytics and "omics" Techniques 2 15 15 C
03 21 0231 00 Basics of Biochemistry 2 15 15 C
03 10 0116 00 Chemometrics 2 30 C
03 10 0117 00 Computational and Simulation Techniques in Chemistry 2 15 15 C
22 91 0500 40 Foreign Language Certification 0 1 E
22 91 0500 30 Foreign Language block 3 3 60 E
03 10 0115 00 Forensic Chemistry 2 15 5 10 C
03 04 0228 00 Fundamentals and Validation of Measurement Procedures 4 15 30 E
03 03 0129 00 Physical Chemistry II 2 30 15 E
23 92 3111 40 Physical Education 0 30 C
03 11 0296 00 Polymers and Composites 5 20 20 20 E
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.4 choose A 4
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.4 choose B 2

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.4 choose A

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 02 0202 00 Organic Chemistry - laboratory 4 60 C
03 02 0203 00 Organic Chemistry - laboratory 4 60 C

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.4 choose B

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 03 0130 00 Physical Chemistry - laboratory 2 30 C
03 03 0131 00 Physical Chemistry - laboratory 2 30 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 295
03 10 0118 00 Analysis of Ultrafast Chemical Processes 3 15 10 C
03 21 0232 00 Basis of Life Cycle Analysis 1 15 C
03 04 0230 00 Celected Methods of Instrumental Analysis 5 15 45 E
03 31 0058 00 Chemical Sensors and Biosensors 3 10 10 10 C
03 32 0138 00 Fundamentals of Business 2 15 C
03 25 0110 00 Good Laboratory Practice 4 15 15 15 C
03 20 0089 00 Spectroscopy 5 30 30 E
03 04 0231 00 Trace Analysis and Methods Used in Analysis of Traces 5 15 20 10 C
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.5 choose A 1
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.5 choose B 1

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.5 choose A

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 32 0139 00 Protection of Intellectual Properties 1 15 C
03 32 0140 00 Patent and Invention Law 1 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.5 choose B

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 14 0175 00 Electronic Resources of Chemical Information 1 15 C
03 14 0176 00 Electronic Resources of Chemical Information 1 15 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 180
03 04 0234 00 Analytics and Environmental Monitoring 2 15 15 C
03 04 0233 00 Industrial Chemical Analysis 4 20 25 E
03 20 0090 00 Mass Spectrometry 2 15 15 C
03 04 0232 00 Methods of Separation 5 30 15 15 E
03 22 0334 00 Sources of Scientific Information 1 15 C
set 3 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.6 choose 1 block (for 14 pkt ECTS) 14
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.6 choose 1 subj. 2
set 2 of elective courses ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block I 0
set 2 of elective courses ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block II 0
set 2 of elective courses ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block III 0
set 2 of elective courses ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block IV 0

set 3 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.6 choose 1 block (for 14 pkt ECTS)

The student chooses one of the four blocks to choose from (I, II, III or IV)

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.6 choose 1 subj.

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 17 0156 00 English Technical and Chemical Terminology 2 30 C
03 17 0157 00 English Technical and Chemical Terminology 2 30 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block I

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 04 0235 00 Electrochemical Analytical Methods 2 15 15 C
03 04 0236 00 Analysis of Energy Resources and Biosubstrates 5 30 30 15 E
03 04 0237 00 Interpretation and Visualization of Analytical Data 4 15 30 15 C
03 04 0238 00 Waste and Soil Environment Analysis 3 15 30 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block II

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 09 0083 00 Methods of Radioactive Isotopes Determination 6 45 15 30 C
03 11 0297 00 Analysis of Polymer Solutions 2 15 15 C
03 21 0233 00 Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress 2 15 15 C
03 21 0234 00 Fluorescence Techniques and Molecular Probes 4 30 30 E

set 2 of elective courses - ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block III

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 11 0298 00 Polymer Analysis and Identification 3 30 15 E
03 11 0299 00 Thermal and Rheological Methods of Polymer Analysis 4 30 30 C
03 11 0300 00 Polymer Analysis by Spectroscopy 4 30 15 15 C
03 11 0301 00 Analysis of the Supermolecular Structures of Molecular Materials 3 30 15 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA first cycle from 19/20 - sem. 6 block IV

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 02 0204 00 Analysis of Chiral Compounds 2 15 15 C
03 02 0205 00 Analysis of Toxic Compounds 2 20 10 C
03 12 0217 00 Methods of Determination of the Profile of Impurities of Drugs 2 15 15 C
03 21 0235 00 Separation and Identification Methods for Biomolecules 8 30 75 15 E

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 26.0   Total of teaching hours 45
03 22 0374 00 Competency Exam 0 C
22 91 0510 00 Foreign language for Technology 2 30 C
03 22 0335 00 Internship 4 C
03 32 0141 00 Introduction to Project Management 1 15 C
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose B 2
set 2 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose C lab. 3
set 2 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose D semin. 1
set 2 of elective courses ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose E subj. 15
set 1 of elective courses ChA - first cycle 19/20 - sem.7 choose A 2

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose B

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 32 0143 00 Law for Engineers 2 15 C
03 32 0144 00 Labour Law 2 15 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose C lab.

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 04 0239 00 Diploma Laboratory 3 90 C
03 04 0240 00 Diploma Laboratory 3 90 C
03 04 0241 00 Diploma Laboratory 3 90 C
03 04 0242 00 Diploma Laboratory 3 90 C
03 04 0243 00 Diploma Laboratory 3 90 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose D semin.

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 22 0336 00 Diploma Seminar 1 15 C
03 22 0337 00 Diploma Seminar 1 15 C
03 22 0338 00 Diploma Seminar 1 15 C
03 22 0339 00 Diploma Seminar 1 15 C
03 22 0340 00 Diploma Seminar 1 15 C

set 2 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle from 19/20 - sem.7 choose E subj.

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 04 0244 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C
03 04 0245 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C
03 04 0246 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C
03 04 0247 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C
03 04 0248 00 Diploma Thesis 15 10 C

set 1 of elective courses - ChA - first cycle 19/20 - sem.7 choose A

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
03 32 0142 00 History of Chemistry 2 5 10 C
09 04 1280 01 Sociology 2 5 10 C