Biomedical Engineering and Technologies - full-time, starting in winter sem., Biomedical Engineering and Technologies - starting from 2020/21 academic year


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 475
22 91 1620 10 Academic English for Engineers 1 3 60 C
02 53 5176 00 Algorithms and Data Structures 2 30 C
03 01 0143 00 Chemistry 3 15 15 10 C
01 31 0243 00 Information Technology 1 4 30 30 C
01 31 0267 00 Materials Science 3 15 30 C
21 01 1283 01 Mathematics 1 8 30 90 E
01 31 0268 00 Measurements 3 30 15 C
07 01 1112 20 Physics 3 30 15 E
22 91 1552 00 Study Skills for University 1 30 C

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 535
22 91 1620 20 Academic English for Engineers 2 1 30 C
22 91 1553 10 Civic Knowledge and Engagement 1 1 30 C
01 31 0245 00 Computer Aided Design 3 15 30 C
02 05 6297 01 Electronics and Electrical Engineering 3 20 20 20 E
04 51 0043 04 Engineering Drawing 2 10 20 C
22 92 0500 10 Foreign Language Block 1 3 60 C
01 31 0244 00 Information Technology 2 4 45 15 C
22 91 1550 00 Introduction to PBL 1 15 C
21 01 1284 00 Mathematics 2 7 45 60 E
01 31 0269 01 Mechanical Engineering 2 15 15 C
07 01 1203 19 Modern Physics 3 20 20 C
23 92 3111 10 Physical Education 0 30 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 450
22 91 1620 30 Academic English for Engineers 3 2 30 E
02 82 5000 00 Anatomy and Physiology 3 15 30 C
05 39 0034 01 Biochemistry 4 30 30 C
01 31 0270 01 Biophysics 3 15 30 C
22 91 1553 20 Civic Knowledge and Engagement 2 1 30 C
22 92 0500 20 Foreign Language Block 2 3 60 C
02 96 6177 00 Interdisciplinary Problem-based Learning Project 5 30 C
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education 0 30 C
02 67 5352 01 Robotics 4 30 30 C
02 36 6254 00 Signal Processing 5 30 30 C

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 415
02 47 6185 00 Biostatistics 5 30 15 15 C
22 91 1553 30 Civic Knowledge and Engagement 3 1 30 C
22 92 0500 30 Foreign Language Block 3 2 30 C
02 65 5824 01 Image Processing and Computer Graphics 4 30 15 15 C
05 39 0040 00 Intellectual Property Protection and Commercialization 2 15 15 C
02 84 4041 01 Introduction to Medical Sciences 3 15 15 C
02 84 4055 00 Medical Data Bases 3 15 30 C
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education 0 30 C
03 21 0265 01 Sensors 4 30 30 C
02 96 6180 00 Team Project 6 40 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 405
01 31 0271 01 Biomaterials 1 4 30 30 C
01 31 0272 01 Biomechanical Engineering 4 30 30 C
22 91 1553 40 Civic Knowledge and Engagement 4 1 30 C
02 45 6110 01 Electronic Circuits and Data Transmission in Medical Equipment 4 30 15 15 C
02 96 6194 01 Enterpreneurial Skills for Engineers 9 75 C
02 84 4047 01 Implants and Artificial Organs 4 30 30 C
02 95 6141 01 Law and Ethics in Biomedical Engineering 2 30 C
02 84 4042 00 Medical Informatics 2 30 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 0
set 3 of elective courses Mobility Semester 30

set 3 of elective courses - Mobility Semester

Elective Courses from a partner university

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 192
04 42 0011 02 Biomaterials 2 1 15 15 C
02 96 6259 00 Biomedical Elective Project 3 30 C
02 98 6132 01 Final Project 15 10 C
02 86 6121 01 Final Project Seminar 3 45 E
02 99 5019 01 Industrial Placement 4 C
02 84 4044 01 Medical Imaging 3 15 15 15 C
02 84 4043 01 Microsystems in Medical Applications 1 15 15 C