chemical engineering - full-time, starting in winter sem., Chemical Engineering


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 5.0   Total of teaching hours 94
15 13 0001 00 Entrepreneurship 1 5 10 C
15 13 0002 00 Health and Safety at Work 0 4 C
15 07 1000 00 Seminar - sem. 1 0 15 C
15 07 0001 00 Transport Phenomena 4 30 30 E

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 4.0   Total of teaching hours 75
15 07 0002 00 Green Chemistry and Engineering 4 30 30 E
15 07 2000 00 Seminar - sem. 2 0 15 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 1.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 3000 00 Seminar - sem. 3 0 15 C
set 2 of elective courses Soft and Transferable Skills Courses - PhD candidate chooses courses for 45 hrs in total 1

set 2 of elective courses - Soft and Transferable Skills Courses - PhD candidate chooses courses for 45 hrs in total

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
15 13 0005 00 Teaching Essentials 1 15 C
15 14 0001 00 Didactics Essentials 0 15 C
15 14 0002 00 Soft Skills in Didactics 0 15 C
15 14 0003 00 Presentation Techniques for Scientists 0 15 C
15 14 0004 00 Analysis and Construction of Mathematical Texts 0 5 10 C
15 14 0005 00 Communication Skills in Mathematics 0 5 10 C
15 14 0006 00 Introduction to the Methodology of Research Work in Mathematics 0 10 5 C
15 14 0007 00 Methods of Preparing of Research Proposals 0 15 C
15 14 0008 00 Measurement Systems 0 15 C
15 14 0009 00 Methodology of Literature Review Research 0 15 C
15 14 0010 00 High Education - Methodology 0 5 10 C
15 14 0011 00 Marketing Communication in Technology Commercialisation 0 5 10 C
15 14 0012 00 New Media in Communication 0 5 10 C
15 14 0013 00 Economic and Strategic Thinking 0 15 C
15 14 0014 00 Preparing Scientific Papers in Management and Quality Studies 0 15 C
15 14 0015 00 Scientific Writing 0 15 C
15 14 0016 00 Team Building - Effective Communication and Efficiency of Operation 0 15 C
15 14 0017 00 Aesthetics and Art Sociology. From the 19th c to the Present 0 15 C
15 14 0018 00 Cultural Values of Engineering and Technics 0 15 C
15 14 0019 00 Problem-Based Learning 0 15 C
15 14 0020 00 Philosophical Roots of Sustainable Development 0 15 C
15 14 0021 00 Smart City - Social Aspects 0 7 8 C
15 14 0022 00 Introduction to Writing Scientific Papers 0 15 C

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 1.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 4000 00 Seminar - sem. 4 0 15 C
set 2 of elective courses none 1

set 2 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
15 00 0101 00 Advanced Specialised Clothing 1 5 C
15 00 0102 00 Chosen Problems of Clothing Technology 1 5 C
15 00 0103 00 Development Trends in Designing and Technology of Textile Products 1 5 C
15 00 0104 00 Multicomponent Polymeric Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0105 00 Physics of Thermal and Flow Processes 1 5 C
15 00 0106 00 Profilometric Measurement in Surface Engineering of Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0107 00 Progress in Chemical Modification of Polymers 1 5 C
15 00 0108 00 Quality and Technological Usability of Yarns 1 5 C
15 00 0109 00 Selected Issues from Knitting 1 5 C
15 00 0110 00 Selected Problems of Mathematics (numerical methods) 1 5 C
15 00 0111 00 Selected Problems of Spinning 1 5 C
15 00 0112 00 Textile Mechanics 1 5 C
15 00 0113 00 Development Trends in Mechanical Textile Technologies 1 5 C
15 00 0114 00 Chosen Problems from the Architecture of Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0115 00 Fibre Physics 1 5 C
15 00 0116 00 Instrumental Research Methods in Fibre Physics 1 5 C
15 00 0117 00 Methods of Physical, Chemical and Biological Processing of Fibres and Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0118 00 Methods of Producing Textile Ropes for Technical Purposes 1 5 C
15 00 0119 00 Physical Chemistry of Finishing and Maintenance of Textile Products 1 5 C
15 00 0120 00 Selected Issues from Weaving 1 5 C
15 00 0201 00 Advanced CFD Project 1 5 C
15 00 0202 00 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations I 1 5 C
15 00 0203 00 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations II 1 5 C
15 00 0204 00 Bifurcation Analysis of Dynamical Systems I 1 5 C
15 00 0205 00 Bifurcation Analysis of Dynamical Systems II 1 5 C
15 00 0206 00 Biomechanics I 1 5 C
15 00 0207 00 Biomechanics II 1 5 C
15 00 0208 00 Computer Simulation of Casting Processes 1 5 C
15 00 0209 00 Design of Production Process 1 5 C
15 00 0210 00 Modal Analysis in Design - application 1 5 C
15 00 0211 00 Shaping the Mechanical Properties of Casting Machine Elements 1 5 C
15 00 0212 00 Heat Transfer 1 5 C
15 00 0301 00 Design of Photovoltaic Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0302 00 Modern Renewable Electrical Power Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0401 00 Data Science and Big Data Analysis 1 5 C
15 00 0402 00 Development Trends in Computer Networks 1 5 C
15 00 0403 00 Fuzzy Logic 1 5 C
15 00 0501 00 Computation Fluid Dynamics in Civil Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0502 00 Computational Heat and Mass Transfer 1 5 C
15 00 0503 00 Concrete Durability 1 5 C
15 00 0504 00 Innovative Systems for Structural Reinforcement and Strengthening 1 5 C
15 00 0505 00 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0506 00 Modern Experimental Methods in Concrete Structures 1 5 C
15 00 0507 00 Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0508 00 The Latest IT Trends in Civil Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0509 00 Variational Methods in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0601 00 City, Space, People I 1 5 C
15 00 0602 00 City, Space, People II 1 5 C
15 00 0604 00 Knowledge about Culture 1 5 C
15 00 0605 00 Proecological Aspects of Architecture I 1 5 C
15 00 0606 00 Proecological Aspects of Architecture II 1 5 C
15 00 0607 00 Theory and History of Architecture I 1 5 C
15 00 0608 00 Theory and History of Architecture II 1 5 C
15 00 0701 00 Introduction to Bioreator Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0702 00 Application of Omics Techniques for Identification of Microorganisms and Chemical Compounds in Environmental Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0801 00 Advanced Materials for Printed Electronics 1 5 C
15 00 0802 00 Analytical Techniques in Omics Science 1 5 C
15 00 0803 00 Designing and Preparing Project Applications that Allow Research Funding and Management 1 5 C
15 00 0804 00 Organocatalysis - a Shortcut to Chemical Diversity 1 5 C
15 00 0805 00 Peptides/Proteins - Drugs, Drugs Transporters and Materials for Regenerative Medicine 1 5 C
15 00 0806 00 Special Applications of Colorants 1 5 C
15 00 0807 00 Principles of Polymer Materials Characterisation 1 5 C
15 00 0808 00 Surface Engineering of Polymer Materials 1 5 C
15 00 0901 00 Advanced Topological Fixed Point Theory 1 5 C
15 00 0902 00 Differential Inclusions 1 5 C
15 00 0903 00 Integrals of Vector Functions 1 5 C
15 00 0904 00 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1 5 C
15 00 0905 00 Physics for Mathematicians 1 5 C
15 00 0906 00 Selected Problems of Descriptive Set Theory 1 5 C
15 00 1001 00 Field Theory 1 5 C
15 00 1101 00 Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology 1 5 C
15 00 1102 00 Advances in DNA Sequencing Methods 1 5 C
15 00 1103 00 Design and Optimization of Experiment 1 5 C
15 00 1104 00 Statistics in Applications I 1 5 C
15 00 1105 00 Statistics in Applications II 1 5 C
15 00 1201 00 Brand Management 1 5 C
15 00 1202 00 Building a Competitive Advantage in the Age of Industry 4.0 1 5 C
15 00 1203 00 Business Management on the International Market 1 5 C
15 00 1204 00 Diversity Management 1 5 C
15 00 1205 00 Human Rights and Technology 1 5 C
15 00 1206 00 Innovations in the Production Enterprises 1 5 C
15 00 1207 00 Models of Business of Academic Entrepreneurship - part I 1 5 C
15 00 1208 00 Models of Business of Academic Entrepreneurship - part II 1 5 C
15 00 1209 00 Models of Transfer and Commercialization of Research and Development Activities 1 5 C
15 00 1210 00 New Trends in Marketing 1 5 C
15 00 1211 00 Problems of Managing "Organizations of the Future" in the Age of Industry 4.0 1 5 C
15 00 1212 00 Production and Consumption in Circular Economy Model 1 5 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 1.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 5000 00 Seminar - sem. 5 0 15 C
set 2 of elective courses none 1

set 2 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
15 00 0101 00 Advanced Specialised Clothing 1 5 C
15 00 0102 00 Chosen Problems of Clothing Technology 1 5 C
15 00 0103 00 Development Trends in Designing and Technology of Textile Products 1 5 C
15 00 0104 00 Multicomponent Polymeric Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0105 00 Physics of Thermal and Flow Processes 1 5 C
15 00 0106 00 Profilometric Measurement in Surface Engineering of Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0107 00 Progress in Chemical Modification of Polymers 1 5 C
15 00 0108 00 Quality and Technological Usability of Yarns 1 5 C
15 00 0109 00 Selected Issues from Knitting 1 5 C
15 00 0110 00 Selected Problems of Mathematics (numerical methods) 1 5 C
15 00 0111 00 Selected Problems of Spinning 1 5 C
15 00 0112 00 Textile Mechanics 1 5 C
15 00 0113 00 Development Trends in Mechanical Textile Technologies 1 5 C
15 00 0114 00 Chosen Problems from the Architecture of Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0115 00 Fibre Physics 1 5 C
15 00 0116 00 Instrumental Research Methods in Fibre Physics 1 5 C
15 00 0117 00 Methods of Physical, Chemical and Biological Processing of Fibres and Textiles 1 5 C
15 00 0118 00 Methods of Producing Textile Ropes for Technical Purposes 1 5 C
15 00 0119 00 Physical Chemistry of Finishing and Maintenance of Textile Products 1 5 C
15 00 0120 00 Selected Issues from Weaving 1 5 C
15 00 0201 00 Advanced CFD Project 1 5 C
15 00 0202 00 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations I 1 5 C
15 00 0203 00 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations II 1 5 C
15 00 0204 00 Bifurcation Analysis of Dynamical Systems I 1 5 C
15 00 0205 00 Bifurcation Analysis of Dynamical Systems II 1 5 C
15 00 0206 00 Biomechanics I 1 5 C
15 00 0207 00 Biomechanics II 1 5 C
15 00 0208 00 Computer Simulation of Casting Processes 1 5 C
15 00 0209 00 Design of Production Process 1 5 C
15 00 0210 00 Modal Analysis in Design - application 1 5 C
15 00 0211 00 Shaping the Mechanical Properties of Casting Machine Elements 1 5 C
15 00 0212 00 Heat Transfer 1 5 C
15 00 0301 00 Design of Photovoltaic Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0302 00 Modern Renewable Electrical Power Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0401 00 Data Science and Big Data Analysis 1 5 C
15 00 0402 00 Development Trends in Computer Networks 1 5 C
15 00 0403 00 Fuzzy Logic 1 5 C
15 00 0501 00 Computation Fluid Dynamics in Civil Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0502 00 Computational Heat and Mass Transfer 1 5 C
15 00 0503 00 Concrete Durability 1 5 C
15 00 0504 00 Innovative Systems for Structural Reinforcement and Strengthening 1 5 C
15 00 0505 00 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0506 00 Modern Experimental Methods in Concrete Structures 1 5 C
15 00 0507 00 Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0508 00 The Latest IT Trends in Civil Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0509 00 Variational Methods in Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0601 00 City, Space, People I 1 5 C
15 00 0602 00 City, Space, People II 1 5 C
15 00 0604 00 Knowledge about Culture 1 5 C
15 00 0605 00 Proecological Aspects of Architecture I 1 5 C
15 00 0606 00 Proecological Aspects of Architecture II 1 5 C
15 00 0607 00 Theory and History of Architecture I 1 5 C
15 00 0608 00 Theory and History of Architecture II 1 5 C
15 00 0701 00 Introduction to Bioreator Engineering 1 5 C
15 00 0702 00 Application of Omics Techniques for Identification of Microorganisms and Chemical Compounds in Environmental Systems 1 5 C
15 00 0801 00 Advanced Materials for Printed Electronics 1 5 C
15 00 0802 00 Analytical Techniques in Omics Science 1 5 C
15 00 0803 00 Designing and Preparing Project Applications that Allow Research Funding and Management 1 5 C
15 00 0804 00 Organocatalysis - a Shortcut to Chemical Diversity 1 5 C
15 00 0805 00 Peptides/Proteins - Drugs, Drugs Transporters and Materials for Regenerative Medicine 1 5 C
15 00 0806 00 Special Applications of Colorants 1 5 C
15 00 0807 00 Principles of Polymer Materials Characterisation 1 5 C
15 00 0808 00 Surface Engineering of Polymer Materials 1 5 C
15 00 0901 00 Advanced Topological Fixed Point Theory 1 5 C
15 00 0902 00 Differential Inclusions 1 5 C
15 00 0903 00 Integrals of Vector Functions 1 5 C
15 00 0904 00 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1 5 C
15 00 0905 00 Physics for Mathematicians 1 5 C
15 00 0906 00 Selected Problems of Descriptive Set Theory 1 5 C
15 00 1001 00 Field Theory 1 5 C
15 00 1101 00 Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology 1 5 C
15 00 1102 00 Advances in DNA Sequencing Methods 1 5 C
15 00 1103 00 Design and Optimization of Experiment 1 5 C
15 00 1104 00 Statistics in Applications I 1 5 C
15 00 1105 00 Statistics in Applications II 1 5 C
15 00 1201 00 Brand Management 1 5 C
15 00 1202 00 Building a Competitive Advantage in the Age of Industry 4.0 1 5 C
15 00 1203 00 Business Management on the International Market 1 5 C
15 00 1204 00 Diversity Management 1 5 C
15 00 1205 00 Human Rights and Technology 1 5 C
15 00 1206 00 Innovations in the Production Enterprises 1 5 C
15 00 1207 00 Models of Business of Academic Entrepreneurship - part I 1 5 C
15 00 1208 00 Models of Business of Academic Entrepreneurship - part II 1 5 C
15 00 1209 00 Models of Transfer and Commercialization of Research and Development Activities 1 5 C
15 00 1210 00 New Trends in Marketing 1 5 C
15 00 1211 00 Problems of Managing "Organizations of the Future" in the Age of Industry 4.0 1 5 C
15 00 1212 00 Production and Consumption in Circular Economy Model 1 5 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 0.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 6000 00 Seminar - sem. 6 0 15 C

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 0.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 7000 00 Seminar - sem. 7 0 15 C

Semester 8

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 0.0   Total of teaching hours 15
15 07 8000 00 Seminar - sem. 8 0 15 C