Management and Production Engineering - full-time, starting in winter sem., Management and Production Engineering
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Back to topThe minimum requirement to access to this programmes is a secondary school leaving certificate. During the admission procedure the results in mathematics, physics or chemistry and foreign language from this certificate are taken into account. The lack of results from physics and chemistry does not preclude the candidate from the qualification, but he receives zero points for these items.
Educational and professional goals
Back to topThe structure of modules and their specific content is formed to enable graduates to perform: - an organizational diagnosis of the state enterprises and streamlining their organizational system; - study the organization of work and its design in the main production processes and auxiliary processes; - the use of mathematical methods to optimize solutions and decisions; - design of organizations in the newly-built industrial buildings or reconstructed, or upgraded; - organizing technical preparation of production, including process control, new products launch, production methods, industrial objects, information and decision-making processes; - design management systems, including computer aided systems and system design and operation control the conduct of production; - design the work of individual work stations, the choice of appropriate equipment, to improve the working methods and systems support; - the design and operation of relevant systems, to assist management decisions in relation to various levels of the enterprise and its environment.
Final examination
Back to topThe final examination consists of two parts: the first- presentation of diploma thesis, the second- answering questions devoted to the presented diploma thesis and to the whole study. The final result visible in diploma, is expressed in words according to the Rules of Study at the Technical University of Lodz and is the sum of three components: 60% of the weighted average of all the grades achieved during the study, 20% of the grade for the diploma thesis, 20% of the grade for the final exam.
Examination and assessment regulations
Back to topAll general methods are described in detail in the Rules of Study at Technical University of Lodz. Direct course assessment methods are included in each individual course description
ECTS departmental coordinator
Back to topdr Anna Stankiewicz - Mróz
(42) 631-37-51
(42) 631-38-74
ul. Piotrkowska 266 90-924 Łódź