Logistics - full-time, starting in winter sem., Logistics - starting from r.a 2020/21


Assesment methods:

C - credits are awarded based on continous assessment

E - credits are awarded based on continous assessment and final exam

Semester 1

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 425
09 08 1104 01 Academic Competences 1 20 C
09 08 1102 01 Basics of Logistics 4 15 30 E
09 08 1100 01 Basics of Management 4 30 30 C
09 08 1101 01 Economics 4 30 30 E
09 08 1108 01 Engineering Graphics 3 15 30 C
09 08 1107 01 Information Technologies I 3 30 15 C
09 08 1105 01 Mathematics I (Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry) 3 15 30 C
09 08 1106 01 Mathematics I (The Mathematical Analysis) 4 15 30 C
09 08 1103 01 Physics 4 15 45 C

Semester 2

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 420
09 08 1210 01 Basics of Normalization 1 15 C
09 08 1200 01 Basics of Project Management 4 15 15 15 E
09 08 1202 01 Commercial and Civil Law 2 30 C
09 08 1208 01 Computer Aided Design 3 30 C
09 08 1207 01 Databases in Business Practice 3 15 30 C
09 08 1209 01 Elements of Marketing 3 15 15 E
22 91 0600 10 Foreign Language Module 1 2 30 C
09 08 1206 01 Information Technologies II 3 45 15 C
09 08 1201 01 Logistic Management Concepts 2 15 E
09 08 1205 01 Mathematics II (Elements of Financial Mathematics) 4 15 30 C
09 08 1204 01 Mathematics II (Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics) 3 15 30 C
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education 0 30 C

Semester 3

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 360
09 08 1302 01 Basics of Commodity Science 3 15 30 C
22 91 0600 20 Foreign Language Module 2 2 30 C
09 08 1303 01 Logistics Teams Management 3 15 30 C
09 08 1307 01 Modeling of Transport Processes 4 15 30 C
09 08 1308 01 Object Oriented Programming 4 30 30 C
09 08 1301 01 Organization of Transport 6 30 15 15 E
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education 0 30 C
09 08 1300 01 Supply Logistics 5 15 30 E
set 1 of elective courses none 3

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1304 01 Human Beings in Digital Civilization 3 15 30 C
09 08 1305 01 Critical Thinking 3 15 30 C

Semester 4

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 360
09 08 1407 01 Basic Principles of Life Cycle Analises 1 15 C
09 08 1405 01 Computer-Aided Logistic Management 2 30 C
09 08 1409 01 Electronic Identification Systems 3 30 15 C
09 08 1404 01 Ergonomics 3 15 30 C
22 91 0600 30 Foreign Language Module 3 2 30 C
09 08 1408 01 Information Systems in Logistics 2 15 15 C
09 08 1406 02 Logistic Costs 4 15 30 E
09 08 1402 01 Packaging Design 3 15 15 15 C
09 08 1401 01 Production Logistics 4 30 15 E
09 08 1403 01 Supply Chain Security Management 2 30 C
set 1 of elective courses none 2
set 1 of elective courses none 2

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1410 01 Mobile Systems for Logistics 2 15 15 C
09 08 1411 01 Data Visualization in Logistics 2 15 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1406 01 Vibroacoustic Hazards 2 15 15 C
09 08 1412 01 Acoustic Impact of Logistic Processes 2 15 15 C

Semester 5

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 360
09 08 1503 01 Circular Economy 2 15 15 C
09 08 1502 01 Distribution Logistics and Logistics Services 5 30 15 E
09 08 1508 01 E-Commerce 5 15 30 E
22 91 0600 40 Foreign Language Module 4E 3 30 E
09 08 1504 01 International Trade 2 30 C
09 08 1509 01 Methods of Conducting Projects in Logistics 4 15 30 C
23 92 3111 50 Physical Education 0 30 C
09 08 1507 01 Programming in Visual Basic 2 30 C
09 08 1505 01 Quality in Logistics 3 15 30 C
09 08 1501 01 Systems of Safety Management 2 15 15 C
set 1 of elective courses none 2

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1510 01 Modern Information Technologies in Logistics 2 30 C
09 08 1511 01 Developing Managerial Skills 2 30 C

Semester 6

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 300
09 08 1607 01 Comupter Aided of Quality Aspects in Logistics 3 15 30 C
09 08 1602 01 Ecologistics 4 15 30 E
09 08 1610 01 Internal Transport Systems and Devices 4 15 15 15 E
09 08 1601 01 Logistics Process Design 2 15 15 C
09 08 1606 01 Modeling Business Processes 2 15 15 C
09 08 1611 01 Storage and Transport of Food 3 15 15 15 C
09 08 1603 01 Warehause Systems 5 30 30 E
set 1 of elective courses none 1
set 1 of elective courses none 3
set 1 of elective courses none 3

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1633 06 Social and Managerial Issues in English 1 15 C
09 08 1633 07 Social and Managerial Issues in Spanish 1 15 C
09 08 1633 08 Social and Managerial Issues in French 1 15 C
09 08 1633 09 Social and Managerial Issues in Russian 1 15 C
09 08 1633 10 Social and Managerial Issues in German 1 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1604 01 Negotiations 3 15 30 C
09 08 1605 01 Setting up Economic Activity 3 15 30 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1608 01 Data Warehouses 3 15 30 C
09 08 1609 01 Optimization in Logistics 3 15 30 C

Semester 7

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 195
09 08 1710 01 Intellectual Property Protection 1 15 C
09 08 1700 01 Logistics Challenges 6 60 C
09 08 1706 01 Modeling Inventory Management 4 15 30 E
09 08 1705 01 Research Methodology (Proseminar) 2 15 C
09 08 1701 01 Stock Management 3 15 15 E
09 08 1708 01 Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Research Results 2 15 15 C
set 3 of elective courses none 6
set 1 of elective courses none 2
set 1 of elective courses none 3
set 1 of elective courses none 1

set 3 of elective courses - none


set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1703 01 Business Ethics 2 15 15 C
09 08 1704 01 Introduction to Sociology 2 15 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1702 01 Business Forecasting and Symulations in Logistics 3 15 30 C
09 08 1707 01 Forecasting Models and Their Applications 3 15 30 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1732 01 Engineering Issues in English 1 15 C
09 08 1732 02 Engineering Issues in Spanish 1 15 C
09 08 1732 03 Engineering Issues in French 1 15 C
09 08 1732 04 Engineering Issues in Russian 1 15 C
09 08 1732 05 Engineering Issues in German 1 15 C

Semester 8

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 143
09 08 1802 01 Diploma Seminar 3 30 C
09 08 1803 01 Diploma Thesis 15 C
09 08 1806 01 Interdisciplinary Project 2 30 C
09 08 1805 01 Internship (8 weeks) 6 C
09 08 1804 01 Logistic Workshops and Study Visits 2 30 C
set 1 of elective courses none 1
set 1 of elective courses none 1

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1833 06 Logistics Issues in English 1 15 C
09 08 1833 07 Logistics Issues in Spanish 1 15 C
09 08 1833 08 Logistics Issues in French 1 15 C
09 08 1833 09 Logistics Issues in Russian 1 15 C
09 08 1833 10 Logistics Issues in German 1 15 C

set 1 of elective courses - none

Course unit code Course unit title ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
09 08 1834 01 Design of Logistics Applications 1 15 C
09 08 1834 02 The Challenges of Supply Chains in the 21st Century 1 15 C
09 08 1834 03 Safety in Logistics 1 15 C
09 08 1834 04 Information Tools in the Management 1 15 C
09 08 1834 05 Risk Management 1 15 C
09 08 1834 06 Managing Change 1 15 C
09 08 1834 07 Improvement and Audit in Quality Management Systems 1 15 C